How Does DUI Affect Insurance Rates?


Driving under the influence (DUI) is a serious traffic violation that can have a significant impact on a driver’s life. One of the consequences of a DUI conviction is an increase in insurance rates. Insurance companies view DUI as an indication of risky behavior and are more likely to charge higher premiums. In this article, we will explore the ways in which DUI affects insurance rates and what drivers can do to mitigate the impact on their finances.

DUI Affect Insurance

When it comes to car insurance rates, insurance companies consider a number of factors, including age, driving record, location, and type of car. DUI is a major determining factor in insurance rates. A DUI conviction is considered a high-risk factor, which means that insurance companies are likely to increase premiums for drivers who have been convicted of DUI.There are several reasons for this. First, DUI is a clear indication of risky behavior. Drivers who have been convicted of DUI are more likely to get into accidents or cause damage to their cars, which means they are more likely to file insurance claims. Second, DUI convictions stay on a driver’s record for several years, which means that insurance companies view these drivers as a greater risk for some time after the conviction.

Factors That Affect Insurance Rates After DUI

There are several factors that can affect how much a driver’s insurance rates will go up after a DUI conviction. These include:

Prior Driving Record

Drivers who have a clean driving record before the DUI conviction may see a smaller increase in their insurance rates than those who have a history of accidents or traffic violations.


Younger drivers may see a larger increase in their insurance rates than older drivers, as they are already considered to be at a higher risk of accidents.

Type of Car

The type of car a driver owns can also affect how much their insurance rates increase after a DUI conviction. Expensive or high-performance cars may see a larger increase than more affordable or less powerful cars.


Insurance rates can also vary based on location. Drivers in urban areas with higher rates of accidents or crime may see a larger increase in their insurance rates.

How Much Will Insurance Rates Go Up After DUI?

The exact amount that insurance rates will go up after a DUI conviction varies depending on a number of factors, but drivers can expect to see a significant increase. On average, a driver can expect their insurance rates to increase by around 80% after a DUI conviction. This means that if a driver was paying $1,000 per year for car insurance before their DUI conviction, they can expect to pay around $1,800 per year after the conviction.

How Long Will DUI Affect Insurance Rates?

A DUI conviction will typically remain on a driver’s record for several years, depending on the state in which they live. In most states, a DUI conviction will remain on a driver’s record for three to five years. However, in some states, it can remain on a driver’s record for up to 10 years. During this time, drivers can expect to pay higher insurance premiums than they would if they did not have a DUI conviction on their record.

How to Mitigate the Impact of DUI on Insurance Rates

While a DUI conviction will likely lead to higher insurance rates, there are some steps that drivers can take to mitigate the impact. These include:

Shop Around for Car Insurance

Not all insurance companies view DUI convictions the same way. Some may be more willing to work with drivers who have been convicted of DUI, while others may charge higher premiums. It is always a good idea to shop around for car insurance to find the best rates.

Complete a Driver Improvement Course

Some insurance companies may offer discounts to drivers who complete a driver improvement course after a DUI conviction. These courses can help drivers improve their driving skills and reduce the risk of accidents, which can lead to lower insurance rates.

Install an Ignition Interlock Device

An ignition interlock device is a device that is installed in a car that requires the driver to pass a breathalyzer test before the car will start. Some states require drivers who have been convicted of DUI to install these devices, but even if it is not required, installing an ignition interlock device can show insurance companies that the driver is taking steps to prevent future DUI convictions, which may lead to lower insurance premiums.


1. Will a DUI conviction always lead to higher insurance rates?

Yes, in most cases, a DUI conviction will lead to higher insurance rates. Insurance companies view DUI as a high-risk factor and are likely to charge higher premiums to drivers who have been convicted of DUI.

2. How long will a DUI conviction stay on my record?

The length of time that a DUI conviction will stay on a driver’s record varies depending on the state in which they live. In most states, a DUI conviction will remain on a driver’s record for three to five years.

3. Can I still get car insurance after a DUI conviction?

Yes, drivers who have been convicted of DUI can still get car insurance, but they should expect to pay higher rates than they would if they did not have a DUI conviction on their record.

4. Will my insurance rates go down after the DUI conviction is no longer on my record?

Yes, once the DUI conviction is no longer on your record, your insurance rates should go down. However, it may take several years for the conviction to be removed from your record, depending on the state in which you live.

5. Can I get my license back after a DUI conviction?

Yes, drivers who have been convicted of DUI can get their license back, but they may be required to complete certain requirements, such as attending a driver improvement course or installing an ignition interlock device in their car.

6. Will I be able to get car insurance if I have multiple DUI convictions?

It may be more difficult to get car insurance if you have multiple DUI convictions, as insurance companies view multiple DUI convictions as an even higher risk factor than a single conviction.

7. How can I find the best car insurance rates after a DUI conviction?

The best way to find the best car insurance rates after a DUI conviction is to shop around and get quotes from multiple insurance companies. Be sure to ask about any discounts that may be available for drivers who have completed a driver improvement course or installed an ignition interlock device in their car.


If you have been convicted of DUI, it is important to understand how it will affect your car insurance rates. While you can expect to pay higher rates, there are steps you can take to mitigate the impact. By shopping around for car insurance, completing a driver improvement course, and installing an ignition interlock device, you may be able to lower your insurance rates and get back on the road.

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